Tabel angkat listrik ART048

Tabel angkat listrik digunakake kanthi cara ngangkat, nyetel posisi lan ngeterake bahan-bahan sing abot ing toko, pabrik, gudang lan kantor, sing dadi tabel lift mobil sing paling penting lan dhuwur ing saben dina. Mekanisme angkat meja iki ngidini sampeyan cepet lan gampang angkat lan murah nganti 1100 lbs. Kejabi, meja lift listrik sing diprodhuksi ing pabrik kita nduweni jangkauan 20 "- 64", lan sampeyan kanthi gampang bisa ngunggahake lan ngedhunake platform kanthi push tombol. Yen sampeyan ngelingi ngunggahake beban abot, kita bakal dadi pilihan becik.

Parameter Teknis meja angkat listrik

Kapasitas (kg)500
Ukuran meja (mm)1010*520
Tabel dhuwur H (Min / Max.) (Mm)495/1618
Pengangkatan siklus kebak40
Ngangkat / Ngurangi wektu (detik)15/15
Sakmenika ukuran (mm)520*1230
Bobot net (kg)198



Fitur saka Tabel Angkat Listrik:

  • Struktur tegese durung bobote
  • Loro rem nambah safety
  • Unit listrik digawe ing Eropa DC 800W
  • kualitas dhuwur 80Ah / 12V. baterei lithium
  • Pangisi daya baterei otomatis
  • Diameter roda lan roller 150mm.


1) Aja pindhah nalika diundhuh
2) Aja nggunakake angkat wong

Layanan sawise-jual:

a) Saben peralatan diwenehake karo instruksi spek
b) Warranty 1 Taun
c) Kita wis nyiptakake meja angkat listrik kanggo pirang-pirang taun. Lan kita duwe tim layanan purna jual profesional lan sampurna.

Precautions and Maintenance

1. If the charger is used for charging for more than 12 hours in the first use, check whether the electrical connectors of the electric lifting platform are loose during charging. If the electrical connectors of the electric lifting platform are loose, tighten them before charging

2. Check all parts of the electric lifting platform for deformation and bending;

3. Check whether the brakes of the electric lifting platform fail and the wear of the wheels of the electric lifting platform;

4. Check whether there is oil leakage in the hydraulic system of the electric lifting platform;

5. Check whether there is any damage to the high-pressure tubing of the electric lifting platform. If there is any damage to the electric lifting platform, replace it in time.

6. Fill lubricating oil on each friction surface before using the electric lifting platform every day;

7. Charge in time after using the electric lifting platform every day;

8. If the electric lifting platform is in trouble, it should be repaired in time before use;

9. Replace the hydraulic oil of the electric lifting platform every 12 months, and select the correct hydraulic oil according to the climatic conditions of different regions;

Produsen Listrik Lift Elektrik:

Minangka produsen profesional saka macem-macem jinis materi penanganan & ngangkat, actuator linear listrik kanggo ngangkat meja minangka salah siji saka produk utama kita. Saliyane iki, kita uga bisa nggawé maneka warna truk palet, stackers, meja lift, forklifts, crane lan liya-liyane. Yen sampeyan pengin tuku meja angkat mobile, sampeyan bisa ngirim email saka kaca iki kanggo ngotot saiki. Lan yen sampeyan kasengsem karo produk liyane, welcome to contact us liwat e-mail utawa cara liyane sing kadhaptar ing kaca. Kita bakal reply sampeyan ing 24 jam.

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